Sending Love

Sending Love

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Originally, I planned to keep quiet on the blog this week, as a “moment of silence” for all the tragic events all over the world in the last...
Support IS There

Support IS There

I recorded this little video last week, to save for today. One thing I want to clarify, is that I meant nothing derogatory toward parents at all (; when I said what I said! Oh my goodness, no! Everyone has their own path, and there are some very blessed people with...
* Realness *

* Realness *

This is my 5th attempt at a blog post today. You see, I try to make sure that I’m always sharing positive, uplifting energy with the world. I am such a good “cheerleader” for everyone… but I still need to learn how to be that for myself. Lately I’ve been feeling...

Ok, so here’s the truth for today. I’ve written what feels like a bazillion potential blog posts, right? I get these ideas and write write write. Inspiration strikes all the time. I figure, ok, I can just pick one of those to publish today. Easy peasy. Well. It’s not...

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