

I’ve heard Deepak Chopra say this: “You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes every day, unless you’re too busy. Then you should sit for an hour.” Are you laughing? I am! O.o Hey! It’s a busy time of year, isn’t it? Gotta be here, go there, do this, do that, run...
Instant Gratification

Instant Gratification

I’ve been wondering lately about “Instant Gratification”. We live in a society full of that. Online dating, drive-thru restaurants, diet crazes ~ you name it, there is a supposed “quick fix” for it. It got me thinking. Hey, I’m all about some tasty nom nomz that I...
You Are a Priority!

You Are a Priority!

The only person that can put you on your priority list, is you. A while back, I participated in the fabulous “21 Day Selfie Care Challenge” given by my beautiful friends at I noticed something during that 21 days. If I am accountable to...
* Realness *

* Realness *

This is my 5th attempt at a blog post today. You see, I try to make sure that I’m always sharing positive, uplifting energy with the world. I am such a good “cheerleader” for everyone… but I still need to learn how to be that for myself. Lately I’ve been feeling...

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