Whoa! Blogiversary!

Whoa! Blogiversary!

Heyyyy beautiful spirits! As of September 18th, it’s officially been 2 years since I started this blog. While things have changed a bit, my intention for the blog and YouTube channel is still the same as it ever was. To help others live their true and happiest lives...
Interview with Gino Scala

Interview with Gino Scala

It’s my pleasure to introduce you to my friend, Gino Scala. I enjoy this interview series so much for the wonderful insights that everyone shares, but also, for the way that it reminds me that we, 1) really are ALL in this thing called life, together, and 2)...
Interview with Jeff Montgomery

Interview with Jeff Montgomery

Hey beautiful spirits! I’m starting a video series about how some of the people I admire live life with such positive energy — even during the tough spots. I hope you enjoy! This first one, I had the honor of sitting with Jeff Montgomery of the Greg Golden...
Lions, Tigers, and… Fleas

Lions, Tigers, and… Fleas

One of the most amazing women in my life gave me this helpful word of caution ~ which has stuck with me ever since. “It’s not the lions and tigers that get us, honey. It’s the fleas.” We were talking about emotions in addiction recovery ~ how it’s really a simple...

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