by LD Juarez | Apr 25, 2016 | Empower-full
So I felt the need to write another post about grieving, loss… how to cope, how to be helpful. I wrote “Time, Love, and Presence” last week, with the intention of publishing it today. Now, after attending my Great Uncle’s Celebration of Life on Saturday, I’m guided to...
by LD Juarez | Mar 28, 2016 | Empower-full
What’s in your pocket? I’m talking about your spiritual, inner-self “pocket.” Who’s in charge of it? Yep, you are. (: I think sometimes we forget, though. Sometimes we place too much emphasis on others. What they think, their happiness, their goings on. So much so...
by LD Juarez | Dec 15, 2015 | Empower-full
Boundaries ….. Maybe we’ve set them. We’re pretty good at maintaining them. Then we get comfortable… then we let some things slide a bit… and then… How about when someone inches across them? Even stomps on them? Then what? Well, in my history, I allowed them to be...
by LD Juarez | Nov 17, 2015 | Empower-full
“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Originally, I planned to keep quiet on the blog this week, as a “moment of silence” for all the tragic events all over the world in the last...
by LD Juarez | Sep 21, 2015 | Empower-full
Challenging situations have the potential to bring out the best in us, or the worst in us. The choice is truly ours to make. Don’t let it make you close off your spirit, or get bitter. To be honest with you, I’m the first to tell you it isn’t always my “go to”...
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