by LD Juarez | Jul 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
Sometimes reading a book is a life experience. THIS book, is exactly that. I’m not even finished with it but I’m so compelled to share my own personal reactions to it. I can’t recommend this book enough! Upon watching this video prior to posting, I...
by LD Juarez | Jun 7, 2016 | Empower-full
Hey beautiful spirits! I’m starting a video series about how some of the people I admire live life with such positive energy — even during the tough spots. I hope you enjoy! This first one, I had the honor of sitting with Jeff Montgomery of the Greg Golden...
by LD Juarez | Feb 1, 2016 | Empower-full, Step Awaaaayyy From the Comfort Zone
During shifts in life, (which I call leveling up, or graduating to the next level in life), how we approach them makes such a big difference. I don’t believe that shifts happen before we are ready. We can either avoid them with dread (guess what, the shifts keep...
by LD Juarez | Oct 5, 2015 | Empower-full, Worthy and Loveable
Coincidence or Gift? Starting self-work is a difficult thing to do and maintain. But once you continue it, wholeheartedly, and allow yourself to open up to the world again, you’ll start to notice more and more “coincidences” in your life. You’ll be amazed, shocked,...
by LD Juarez | Sep 21, 2015 | Empower-full
Challenging situations have the potential to bring out the best in us, or the worst in us. The choice is truly ours to make. Don’t let it make you close off your spirit, or get bitter. To be honest with you, I’m the first to tell you it isn’t always my “go to”...
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