Heyyyy Beautiful Spirits! It’s a brand new week, clean slate. AND Mercury is DIRECT! *happy dance* What’s on your agenda? How was last week for you? Comment below, let me know! My week saw a bit more self-care than usual, as you may have seen in my...
Question for you

Question for you

Hey Beautiful Spirits <3 Loved the feedback from the last post! Thank you for that! Now, I’d love to ask you a question. Or, a few questions lol. Since many of you are also following me on the other platforms (all links are located here: LD_Juarez-LLC ) Would...
Living List

Living List

Two weeks in a row, I’m on a roll, folks! haha The other day I felt inspired to record a video. Been a while. I almost didn’t share it because I felt like it was too “fuffie”. Y’know what I mean? But I think that the world needs some...

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