Peeking in: Long time no see!

Peeking in: Long time no see!

Beautiful Spirits!!! A lot has gone on since my last post here, how’ve you all been handling things since last March? Who would have ever thought, right? WOW! It’s been a crazy year of ups and downs. Some of you are following me on Instagram, Facebook, and...
Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!  . Just a short clip of photos (click here)  to honor the beautiful mothers in my life (be them in Heaven, or here with me still). My Momma, Grammas, Great Gramma, Sister/Comadre, Comadre, and the beautiful lady who is the mother figure in my...

It’s been 4 months since I’ve posted anything here. Life’s ups and downs, fears, etc.  I also wanted to wait until I had something significant to share. Today, I do. For the last four months I’ve allowed myself to be fearful of what others think, fearful that what I...
Whoa! Blogiversary!

Whoa! Blogiversary!

Heyyyy beautiful spirits! As of September 18th, it’s officially been 2 years since I started this blog. While things have changed a bit, my intention for the blog and YouTube channel is still the same as it ever was. To help others live their true and happiest lives...

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